Thursday, January 16, 2014

Glenn Cunningham

He liked to run even when he was a young boy. His daily run would be a mile every day. His other job was to go to school early in the morning. One day he was the first one in school and some guy had got confused the gas and he put it in his car so the car got on fire and the school to and Glenn was in there will the school was in flames and the teacher notice that he was in there he was in there for a long time so the teacher ran in there and got him and when she did je already was half dead and he had real big burns. And the doctor thought that he would die and he hired the doc saying that so u decided that he was going to live. And he also hired the doc say to his mom that he was going to be crippled. But he also decided that he was not going to be crippled to and next thing u know he was not crippled he had survived and not stayed crippled. After many year he went to college and mad the track team. And then after he joined he was the best one in that collage that they ever had     

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